First, it was Dr. Caleb Kim who visited from Nairobi, Kenya. He is a missionary from S. Korea, teaching at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, African International University. He is a scholar in Anthropology and an ordained minister. He has been living and ministering in Africa for the past 20 plus years, through field ministry and teaching. He is also teaching at the Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. His heart for Africa and compassion for African people are enormous. He is a good friend, a brother in Christ and a member of Integral Mission Alliance together. Business As Mission or "BAM" is among many topics we share our views on together as the necessary approach that we need to advance His Kingdom on earth, particularly in the unreached world. Oh what a blessing it was to share God's vision together and to encourage each other! [Picture taken at my home in Kacyiru]
Second, it was Dr. Daniel Kang who visited from S. California via Nairobi, Kenya and Bujumbura, Burundi. He is an engineer, an entrepreneur and a faithful Christian. He is also a missionary visiting mission fields and empowering Christian businessmen/women by teaching them about Kingdom Business principles. We share a common interest in promoting God's Kingdom through "Business As Mission" or "BAM." I met him in Los Angeles about 25 years ago. I have not seen him since and I have seen him again this time through his visit that was made through another Korean missionary based in Kenya. How wonderful and marvelous His providence was! What seems to be a coincidence is never coincident in God's eyes and plans. I was greatly encouraged by his visit (together with another Korean American missionary based in Kenya and his student) and by the sharing of common interest in BAM for His Kingdom. [Picture: Daniel, me and Missionary Park at my office]

Third, it was Tom Phillips who visited from Memphis, Tennessee. He is a businessman, running a conveyor business. But he is an extremely generous philanthropist and a wonderfully good steward of many resources that God has entrusted with him. He is giving more than 50% of his business profit every year. Giving brings him great joy to his heart and he is constantly looking for opportunities to give for His Kingdom. He has started two "Businesses As Mission" in Rwanda. One is a chicken farm through which he will be able to supply 2,500 eggs a day, creating many micro businesses. The other is a hydro power plant to supply electricity from three sites. Through these businesses he is planning to help increase employment, improve their living standard and empower and support other ministries by issuing them special class stocks (revenue shares) that benefit from the business profit without controlling interest. He is a dear Christian brother to me and a good friend of mine. Through the fellowship, although short, we were mutually encouraged by what God is doing through our lives. [Picture of Tom at his office taken in May 2009 in front of the bulletin board that shows his ministries.]
Oh, Lord, thank you so much for their visits! May your blessings continue to flow into their hearts and lives so that they may become even greater blessings to many more!!! - Jeffrey
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