Last week, early October, a book titled "Amakuru Rwanda" was published in Korea. This book is the collection of articles written by 14 authors who worked or are currently working/ministering in Rwanda. Many of them are Koreans, but there are non-Koreans also. Professor Hwang, Won Gyu was the leading author, who served the President Paul Kagame and his government in policy making over a 4-year time period. I am also one of the authors.
This book has many full colored photos published on quality papers. It was foreworded by Dr. Charles Murigande, the current Minister of Education of Rwanda. Four prominent Koreans wrote their recommendations. They include Dr. Myung Oh, a former Minister of ICT in Korea and a former President of KunKook University, and Rev. Sam Hwan Kim, one of Korea's leading Christian leaders and senior pastor of Myung-Sung Church. Se Kyung was the publisher.
All authors have agreed not to receive any money from the sales of the books. After paying for the publishing costs, all sales proceeds will be used for the work in Rwanda.
Unfortunately it was written in Korean only so it is not available in other languages.
I hope this book may make the 'Land of Thousand Hills' better known to Koreans. If you are interested in buying this interesting book, please contact Se Kyung Publishing Co. at skbooks06@naver.com or +82 2 596 3596. - Jeffrey
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