Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11... 10th Anniversary...

[On this day of the 10th Anniversary of September 11, I reflect on the unbelievable and unbearable tragedy that took place 10 years ago. It is a clear evidence of the broken relationship that resulted from the sin that came into the humanity. The following is an e-mail message that Sukhee Kang, the Mayor of the City of Irvine California, sent out via an e-mail.]

On the morning of September 11, 2001, our world changed forever when four planes - hijacked by terrorists - crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

In that brief moment, nearly 3,000 innocent people lost their lives. The overwhelming majority of them had no choice in their sacrifice. Since then, thousands of service men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice in the struggle for peace, freedom and finding those responsible. Many joined our military expressly because of 9/11. They serve proudly, courageously and freely to preserve our freedom.

Of all the tragic images of 9/11 - and there were many - the sight of America's first responders going UP the stairs of the Twin Towers as workers and visitors ran DOWN the stairs will remain with me forever. They showed absolute courage and selfless devotion to saving lives.

The American people lost their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, colleagues and friends, but it did not lose its courage and unity. Ultimately, the attack on our country ten years ago galvanized our nation into action. Last May, we were all reminded of that horrific day in 2001 through a promised kept by
America to find those responsible and bring them to justice with the capture of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden.

On this day of remembrance, I am asking you to take a little time to reflect on those that we have lost and those who are fighting for our freedoms abroad everyday. We also must remember what our first responders sacrificed on that tragic day. Please take time to remember the power of the human spirit - the acts of bravery and selflessness by the first responders like police officers and firefighters.

Most importantly, remember our promise to never forget both the good and the evil - it will help us to stay aware and vigilant signifying that our nation continues; our nation endures.

Sukhee Kang, Mayor of the City of Irvine, California

May the true peace that may come only from the Prince of Peace be restored in this peace-less world! - Jeffrey

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