Saturday, June 5, 2010

Annual Leave... and Back to Rwanda

Kristin and I were out of Rwanda for the past five weeks, including a week-long conference and annual leave. That is why there have been only few blog postings in May.

The first week, I was attending the HOPE International's global directors' retreat at Lancaster, PA. (Please refer to a separte blogpost.)

After we stayed in Denver for a few days, primarily for the medical check-up, we flew to Korea. The primary purpose of the trip was to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday. We spent quality time together. We thanked God for His grace to her and my dad (86th) and for their excellent health! We also saw our old friends in Seoul. (Please refer to a separate blogpost.)

After our visit to Korea, we traveled to Hong Kong and Japan. In Hong Kong, we saw a hustling and bustling city that has one of the highest population density in the world. Our visit to Japan centered around the historic cities: Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto and Nara. In our eyes, Japan was a quiet, clean and stable country although my old memory of Tokyo (1982) was a metopolitan city.
We came back to Denver to take care of various household affairs. I came back to Kigali on June 5th, but Kristin will stay longer to finish up her health care management service for University of Colorado and closes it down. Also, she will clean up the house to be rented out. She will come back to Kigali on August 8th.

Every travel has two kinds of joy: the joy of leaving the routine and the joy of returning to your place. When I arrived in Kigali, I realized that it was where I belong. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful opportunities of traveling and of seeing family, old friends and various places of interest. - Jeffrey

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