Sunday, June 7, 2009

Amanda's Wedding... a Great Blessing!

The highlight of our trip to the U.S. was Amanda's wedding.

The wedding ceremony was perfect! A panoramic scenery. A wonderful weather. A beautiful couple. A godly officiant. Harmonious bridesmaids and groomsmen. A good company. Great foods. Terrific reception settings. A well balanced program. What else can you ask for?

It was a great blessing. Praise the Lord!

Wonderful was that Mr. Warren Hansen, the groom's father was the best man and Mrs. Hansen (Janice) sang the wedding songs. How beautiful they were!

Now Amanda is Mrs. James Hansen and we have a new son!

Both Mr. and Mrs. Hansen are the commissioned officers of the U.S. Air Force. I am proud of them and I thank God for them. May the good Lord bless them, watch over them and become the central thread of their marriage tapestry! - Jeffrey


Jeano (a.k.a. Uncle Ben) said...

Someone once said, "Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends."

May they sit side-by-side close to each other always...

Congratulations, Jeff and Kristin. I can see true joy in you both.

jlee80111 said...

Jeano, thank you for the words of wisdom. Your comments are appreciated. I trust all is going well with you and your wife. Shalom.