For the three weeks until they left on January 15th, they worked on several projects and they diligently worked even over the weekends. To Sam, this trip to Rwanda was the first overseas trip ever. His grandma was very worried, understandably so. Kristine once had a trip to China, but it was short and she stayed only in Beijing. So this was her first trip to a developing country.
They acted maturely and responsibly. They delivered the outcome above expectations. They designed five icons for micro finance functions, developed the contents for 2011 annual report, researched on NGOs in Rwanda and made recommendations for improving UOB's website. Also, they conducted a couple of researches on micro finance through CGAP.org and MicroSave.org. Their reports were concise but sufficient.
Overall, I enjoyed having them as interns and realized how well disciplined they were, indicating how well they have been raised in their families. Kristine is the only daughter of a friend of mine, Jonathan. Good job, Jonathan! - Jeffrey
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