Tuesday, July 3, 2012

UOB Support Center

UOB Support Center
UOB is growing. So are the staff and the needs for additional space. But the Home Office has limitations in space at its four-story building.

As a result, we had to make a decision to take over a building where Kimironko Branch is located. We took over the entire three-story building and renovated the two stories above the ground floor into offices. We have named it UOB Support Center.

Training Center
In April, we have relocated almost 30 people to the UOB Support Center. Fortunately, most of the staff who was relocated to the Center is living close to the Support Center. So they were happy and it worked out well.

Kimironko Branch Expanded
We have faced some challenges in logistics, but are working hard to figure out the solutions.

On the first day, we dedicated the offices to the Lord who is the creator and owner of all that is between the heaven and earth. I shared a message saying that all UOB staff are representatives of the bank and ambassadors of the gospel. I encouraged them to live a life that will manifest Christ's love.

May God blesses us in Kimironko to be blessings to all who live and work around the UOB Support Center! - Jeffrey

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