Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Annual Report for UOB plus many more...

[The first annual report for UOB..............................With Suzie after we gave her a photo frame that had a farewell message "We all will miss you, even the lizards on the walls will miss you." She burst into tears.]

For the first time for UOB, we published its annual report for 2010. The theme for 2010 was "Arise and Shine" based on Isaiah 60:1. So the annual report carried this theme on its cover. On the back, it stated our declaration as "Christ-centered and Client-focused" organization. We are proud of the fine work that our staff produced without professional help.

Also, we have composed and produced a UOB song that is quite rhythmical. People like it and we hope to see this song sung by our staff and clients. It carries a gospel message in identifying who we are.

UOB has also produced its first portfolio folder that may be used in presenting its materials to donors and visitors. It may also be used for presenting to prospective institutional clients. Surely it will make our presentation more professional.

In addition, we are in the process of producing UOB Intro Video plus its Welcome Kit that includes UOB's history, statistics, mission, vision and values. All these, we trust, will gain respect and recognition from visitors on what we do in Christ's name.

For all these upgrading efforts, I must recognize three individuals: Suzie Hofert, Daniel Ryumugabe and Shami Mugisha.

Suzie is a volunteer from the U.S. She has been at the center of coordinating all the efforts in producing these marketing and promotional materials. She mobilized all possible resources to get the job done, including her parents. She also taught English to our staff. All her class students appreciated her efforts and expressed their appreciation with several gifts. June 30th is the last day for her 6-month volunteering and we wish her the best.

Daniel is Director of Transformational Impact. He has been involved in editing the contents and providing direction for Suzie's work with Welcome Kit, portfolio folder and annual report.

Shami is Manager of Marketing. He designed the annual report's graphics and produced the UOB Song with his own initiative.

We at UOB are so grateful to God for all these committed people whom He has provided for us and we are privileged to work with them.

Praise the Lord! - Jeffrey

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