On this special Thanksgiving Day, the second time in Rwanda, we are not eating turkey or pumpkin pie, but we are grateful because in 2010:
1. He has been faithful and gracious even under difficult situations at UOB during the first half of 2010.
2. Our staff at UOB have stood together firmly to weather the challenges we faced.
3. We celebrated Jeffrey's mother's 80th birthday and she is still strong.
4. Jeffrey's father is 86 years old but still strong.
5. God has spared Kristin's mom from a couple of strokes. She remains hospitalized and needs our prayer.
6. Joyce secured a permanent job early this year and is doing well.
7. Amanda returned to the states safely after the deployment to Iraq.
8. Amanda and James have finally been united, and have even bought their first home.
9. We have been able to travel to various places with safety. (U.S., Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Mozambique, Kenya, Ghana, S. Africa)
10. We were able to secure a tenant for the Colorado house, thanks to Kristin's hard work in getting rid of a lot of stuff, stuff, stuff....
11. We were able to continue leading the Shalom Bible Study in Kigali, witnessing changes in the lives of the members.
12. We were allowed to participate in various ministries in helping the needy, including sponsoring Peace, supporting the construction of Amahoro House (an orphanage), health education ministry, serving at New Hope Homes etc.
13. We were able to continue the ministry blogging with an increasing number of followers and supporters
14. Jeffrey was allowed to share the gospel messages several times at the church we attend and at UOB devotions.
15. Jeffrey was allowed to meet a number of visitors to Rwanda and UOB, and to speak at various functions.
16. Jeffrey has been continuing to enjoy the delicious foods that Kristin's excellent cooking produces despite limited availability of resources.
17. Jeffrey has been benefiting enormously from Kristin's wholehearted nursing care whenever his body got weak or sick.
18. Kristin has been able to wrap up her health care management business successfully.
Additionally, there are numerous more reasons for which I am grateful to the Lord, but I will stop here.
As day goes by, our appreciation for His unceasing and overflowing love increases and deepens.
May the good Lord's blessing lead you to be thankful for everything and under any circumstances on this Thanksgiving Day and always! - Jeffrey